Debut album finished!

After hard work, my debut album is finally finished!

It is free to download here , but…..

I decided to not ask money for it for myself, but to donate it all to charity. For you to be sure that the money is spent well, I’m not going to collect the money myself, but I let you choose how much and to which charity fund you’ll donate to and let you donate it yourself. This way you are absolutely sure that the money you donate will come to the right places that you think it is the most needed. If you have nothing, just download the album for free. If you have something to spend, please think about all the refugees, hunger, destruction of nature and other troubles all around the globe. If you can’t think of nothing, I have a couple of ideas listed for you of which I know they do a good job:

– Artsen zonder grenzen:
– Rode Kruis:
– Unicef:
– WWF (World Wide Fund):

Again, it is free to download, but every cent that you decide to donate would make me and the world very happy.

All music is also available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Google, Beats, Deezer, Rdio, Tidal and Youtube. I will find a good fund for that income.

Enjoy 😀